
Friday, March 2, 2012

Wait.. how did we get here again??

I suppose the best way to get this thing started is to fill you all in on our story. We are Million Dollar Dimes, a hard rockin, hard partyin band from Baltimore with huge aspirations, huge tunes, and killer live shows. And here is how we came to be...

Actually, it's a long story. But don't worry, I won't waste your time, I'll give you the short n sweet version. With pictures. Because we like pictures.

Before Million Dollar Dimes, there was a band called Poor Greedo. It consisted of Mike Shearer tearing up the vocals, Dan Cogut (formerly of Putrefaction, Snake Charmer) melting faces on guitar, John Philyaw (formerly of Snake Charmer) dropping phat notes on bass, and Tom Colegrove (aka Tom Coolgroove) keeping it frosty on drums.

Poor Greedo, 2011
Poor Greedo wrote nine songs and played a handful of shows. In late May 2011, they hired Alex Velle as the chief engineer to record and co-produce their album. Velle mobilized his studio, and the crew, including assistant engineers Jake Kinsley and Adam Fox, relocated to a mansion in the countryside, le Chateau de Murray, for four days to drink, party, drink, destroy a hot tub, drink, piss off some neighbors, drink, oh yeah, and record the album. And drink.

Mike Shearer, May Recording Session, 2011

After the album was recorded, the band amicably split ways with drummer Coolgroove. Luck and a booze-filled evening led to the meeting of guitarist Cogut with Blake Silvea, drummer of Asexualwoods. Silvea subsequently joined forces with Cogut, Philyaw, and Shearer, and the band adopted the name Million Dollar Dimes.

Blake Silvea, 2012
The band immediately jumped into rehearsals, playing a combination of Poor Greedo songs as well as fresh new jams.  The nine recorded tracks were taken to mixing artist Henry Everitt for polishing, and the band began to build a plan and a support team for the release of the recorded tracks and other, newer material and merchandise.

Fast forward to current day (see, I told you I'd keep it nice n short)!

Everitt is working closely with Philyaw to finish up polishing the nine tracks. In the meantime, a ton of work is being done to finalize designs and a complete, solid social media network as well as a sea of sick merchandise that'll make you wet your panties (assuming you're wearing panties..). The official website is also nearing its unveiling, and the album is on track to be in fan's hands soon! We've also been booking more shows and writing awesome new songs, so come out and see what the hype is all about!

Fells Point Festival, 2011

So, to sum up our story, STAY TUNED! We have a TON of stuff on the way, and we are very excited to share it with you all. We also have some shows coming up, dates can currently be found on our Facebook and ReverbNation pages, with more shows to be announced soon. So come out, drink with us, and help us build a rock revolution!

-Million Dollar Dimes

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